Two BBSRC-funded post-doctoral research associate positions are available immediately to work in Dek Woolfson’s Peptide Design and Assembly group in the Schools of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Bristol. Experience in one or more of peptide chemistry, protein biochemistry, de novo peptide/protein design, and the structural characterization of peptides and proteins would be an advantage. However, such experience is not essential, as we are looking for enthusiastic and talented researchers in the chemical/biochemical sciences who are interested in pursuing careers in peptide/protein design and its application in chemical and synthetic biology.
Post 1: De novo protein design in cells
This three-year post is joint with Dr Mark Dodding’s group (Biochemistry, Bristol). It builds on recent work between the Woolfson and Dodding groups (Cross et al. Cell Chem Biol (2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2021.03.010; Rhys et al. Nature Chem Biol (2022) DOI: 10.1038/s41589-022-01076-6). The project aims to design motor proteins from the bottom up to operate in eukaryotic cells.
Post 2: De novo enzyme design
This post (three years, extendable to five) is part of a large £4M sLoLa grant led by Prof Nigel Scrutton FRS at the University of Manchester. The work at Bristol builds on Woolfson’s success in making and functionalizing a-helical barrels (Thomson et al. Science (2014) DOI: 10.1126/science.1257452; Thomas et al. ACS Synth Biol (2018) DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.8b00225). The aim of the new project is to design and develop de novo peptide assemblies for applications in photocatalysis.
The Woolfson lab has purposed-built office space for computational work and laboratories for peptide chemistry, protein biochemistry, biophysics, protein crystallization, and cell biology. In addition, through Chemistry, Biochemistry, and the Bristol BioDesign Institute, the group has walk-up access to mass spectrometry, light and electron microscopy, and other facilities. The current group comprises 16 people with a balance of PhD and post-doctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds from around the world, which fosters a supportive, inclusive, and cutting-edge approach to peptide-design research.
Further details and how to apply
Post 1 / Post 2
Closing date for both posts
20 October 2022
For informal enquiries
Please contact: d.n.woolfson@bristol.ac.uk