*Applications are now closed*
A post-doctoral position is available to develop new peptides and proteins to manipulate, target and probe the mechanisms that underpin intracellular transport by microtubule motors. This BBSRC-funded post, available for four years, is based in the protein design lab of Prof Dek Woolfson (Chemistry and Biochemistry), and in collaboration with Prof Mark Dodding’s molecular cell biology lab (Biochemistry) at University of Bristol. The appointed post-doc would design de novo peptides and proteins using a combination of rational design and computational design and protein biochemistry. They are aiming to recruit a protein designer keen to apply their skills in cells to endogenous proteins in complex biological systems or a person with a background in intracellular transport keen to develop cutting edge skills in protein design.
Enquiries to: d.n.woolfson@bristol.ac.uk or mark.dodding@bristol.ac.uk