Tag: Bristol BioDesign
SBUK 2018
Synthetic biology meeting
In pictures
SBUK2018-programme as a pdf
Speakers, talks and links to abstracts
Full details here
SBUK is the premiere UK synthetic biology meeting, bringing together all flavours of synthetic biology to foster a cohesive, vibrant and multidisciplinary community that is inclusive, open to innovation, collaboration and supportive of young talent.
Bristol BioDesign Totem
Rethinking biology
In pictures
Design by Claudia Stoker, Vivid Biology http://vividbiology.com/
We are entering an age where we can design and engineer biology. Our ability to engineer better biological systems is now limited only by our imagination.
This new era could revolutionise blood transfusions, create novel ways to defend our bodies against emerging diseases and improve wheat breeding to generate more staple food crops.
These are just some of the challenges that motivate researchers at the Bristol BioDesign Institute, where synthetic biologists are taking life sciences into these exciting times.
What biology would you build if you could?