Synthetic biology meeting
In pictures
- Questions: Matter to Life: Assembly of Synthetic Cells | Joachim Spatz, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany
- Professor Stephen Mann, University of Bristol | Synthetic Protobiology
- SBUK 2018 audience enjoy the ground-breaking sessions
- Questions: Combining TAR cloning and CRISPR/Cas9 editing for the discovery of natural products from silent bacterial gene clusters | Christopher Corre, University of Warwick, UK
- Questions: The genome design suite: Oliver Chalkley, University of Bristol
- Questions: Applications of Synthetic Biology in Metabolic Engineering | Brian Pfleger, University of Wisconsin USA
- Poster sessions provided networking opportunities at SBUK 2018
- Questions: Nature-Inspired Polymer Synthesis | Tanja Weil, Max Planck Institute
- Tanja Weil | Max Planck Institute of Polymer Research Germany | Nature Inspired Polymer Synthesis
- Cellulose absorbent media to capture micropollutants | Amanda You - Customem Ltd, UK
- Questions: Buckling of epithelium growing under spherical confinement | Aurelien Roux, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Questions: Towards a complete and quantitative view of genetic circuit function | Thomas Gorochowski, University of Bristol
- Session six | Reporter systems for metabolic load and stress in Bacillus subtilis & Escherichia Coli | Wendy Smith, Newcastle University
- Audience engagement during Wendy Smith's talk | Newcastle University
- Questions: Synthetic Proteins for Synthetic Biology | Lynne Regan, University of Edinburgh
- Animated discussions during poster sessions on Tuesday November 20th.
- Questions: Unravelling the role of ß-catenin dynamics in mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) identity | Elisa Pedone - University of Bristol
- Questions: Matter to Life: Assembly of Synthetic Cells | Joachim Spatz, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany
- Towards a complete and quantitative view of genetic circuit function | Thomas Gorochowski, University of Bristol
- Professor Stephen Mann | University of Bristol | Synthetic Protobiology
SBUK2018-programme as a pdf
Speakers, talks and links to abstracts
Full details here
SBUK is the premiere UK synthetic biology meeting, bringing together all flavours of synthetic biology to foster a cohesive, vibrant and multidisciplinary community that is inclusive, open to innovation, collaboration and supportive of young talent.